Name: Pam Bradley
Title: Brand Support
Job Description: As Brand Support I work closely with my fellow Brand Consultants to increase their territory revenue, support their customer needs and ensure each product is delivered when and where required.
Favorite Part About Working for Cooley: My fellow owners. Every owner is always willing to offer support and guidance.
Proudest Professional Moment: As brand support I was asked to support Jeana Nicotera and Karie Ballway at the NYSACAC conference which was held at Utica College (which is a customer) where I was able to meet current customers, vendors and future clients. As the conference went on I opened a dialogue with a fellow vendor and explained who Cooley was and what we could offer. By opening that dialogue we now have that fellow vendor as a customer.
Fun Fact: I love to volunteer my time and talents. For 28 years I have volunteered as split timer for the Utica Boilermaker Road race which is the largest 15K in the country. I am on the committee for the Great Utica Pumpkin carve and with hard work, it will become a huge success. For many years, I was a member of the Willowvale Fire Company Auxiliary and served as the recording secretary, corresponding secretary, Vice President and President.
Phone: (315) 732-3725
Address: 587 Main Street, #3 Mill, Suite 203, New York Mills, NY 13417