Name: Sam Vella
Title: Brand Support Specialist
Job Description: I work with Cooley Brand Consultants to make sure that our clients’ vision is fulfilled as they brand their businesses and events. Striving to manage all the logistics of a project: from ordering, proofing to shipping and delivery.
Favorite Part About Working for Cooley: No two days are the same and I work on a team that keeps the energy positive while always striving for excellence.
Favorite Client Project: It’s hard to choose! Each project, like our clients, are unique, fun and always evolving.
Favorite Hobbies: Teaching yoga, record collecting, reading
Fun Fact: I used to be a stage manager and production associate in NYC for theatrical and musical performances.
Phone: (315) 316-1420
Address: 587 Main Street, Suite 203, New York Mills, NY 13417